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Ireland must capitalise from the digital planet

Interesting article in the Digital Times this week with some timely advice for SMEs.

Once again we receive another report saying Ireland is not embracing and not capitalising on the economic and social opportunities presented by the internet.

The annual report (for 2010) of the Digital Hub Development Agency (DHDA) also highlights the potential cost savings, time efficiencies and service improvements that could be delivered by public and private sector organisations through increased use of the web and digital media tools.

“Despite the huge advancements of recent years, many organisations have been slow to embrace the internet opportunity. Recent surveys indicate that only 20 per cent of SMEs in Ireland are truly active on the internet, for example, compared to 40 per cent in our nearest competitor market, the UK,” says Philip Flynn, chief executive officer of the DHD.

“If harnessed well, [the web] will allow our arts and cultural products to extend their reach to global audiences and our indigenous commercial businesses to grow and expand in world markets.”

Public institutions and SMEs in Ireland generally have been slow to capitalise on the potential of the digital world.

Over the coming year, our priority is to work with the Government to develop a cohesive internet strategy for Ireland. We must foster a spirit of technological advancement and creativity across the country, from our schools to our boardrooms,” says Leonard Donnelly, chairperson of the DHDA.

Some basic ways to capitalise from the digital planet

• First and foremost, making products and services available to purchase online, where feasible – and in the public sector delivering services more conveniently through the use of online tools.

• Capitalising on the pervasive use of social media to interact better with customers; to attract new business from new global markets; to build and sustain a loyal community of customers and clients; and to engage more effectively with members of the public.

• Increased use of ‘webinars’, virtual meetings and conference calls to cut back on meeting costs and travel expenses.

• Making calls via the internet, rather than through traditional telephone lines, to avail of cheaper rates.

Lorna and I think this great advice and fully endorse the report, with one addition – the value of a great blog and engagement with social media to drive online sales, improve customer relations and build a community around your brand.

If you would like to talk to us some more about how we can help you can capitalise upon the new social media platforms then get in touch with us for a free consultation.